Now that I’ve started working on a half or full in all 50 states,
running a race has become my motivation for planning a number of trips. I had never been to Utah but had been
told I would like it many times (if the running didn’t give it away, I enjoy
spending time outdoors). Needless
to say, when I found the Bryce Canyon half, I was glad to have a reason to head
out there.
If I was going to fly all the way out to Utah, I decided I needed to
spend more than a weekend there. With
little convincing, I soon had 4 friends traveling with me. We were looking forward to a 3-day
backpacking trek in Bryce Canyon National Park followed by the half marathon
before spending a couple days in Zion National Park (including a day hike up
the Narrows). Saying that I’m
thankful to have friends willing to join me on these adventures is an
The 7,000+ feet of climbing and 6,000+ of descent while backpacking was
the perfect opportunity to acclimate ourselves to the elevation. We’re sea level dwellers and were
playing at 7-9,000 ft above. It
was also a great last minute strength training session for our legs.

I won’t deny that my legs were pretty tired by the end of the hiking and
running, but it was nothing a 3 mile hike up the Narrows (ankle to waist deep
in cool water) couldn’t heal.